Welcome to

Shop Black University

A school for Black Entrepreneurs

See What's Coming

Empowering Black Entrepreneurs

for Digital Business Success

Are you fed up with feeling like your business efforts are falling short? We understand. Being a solo entrepreneur can often feel like an uphill battle, juggling countless tasks, and hoping for success. But here's the reality: if you don't take action now, nothing will change.

The Consequence of Inaction

  • Your social media presence remains stuck.
  • Your website fails to attract the attention it deserves.
  • Your marketing efforts fall flat, leaving you frustrated.
  • Your business dreams stay just that - dreams.

The Solution: Shop Black University

Picture this: Your business goes digital, ready to compete in today's online world.

Shop Black University (SBU) is like your golden ticket to a brighter future. We're here to help you take your business from 'wannapreneur,' someone with dreams but not sure how to make them happen, to a thriving online business owner.

SBU provides you with special tools that help your business run without you.

Get clarity so you can have more free time

Spend less time on unimportant tasks and more time on income producing actions

Boost Your Productivity

Eliminate guesswork and maximize efficiency.

Get Faster Results

Collaborate, exchange ideas, and build lasting connections that accelerate your journey to the top.

How does it work?


Join the Waitlist - The First Step to having a business that runs without you

By joining our waitlist, you're taking the crucial first step toward a brighter, more successful future. Here's what you gain:

  • Exclusive access to our game-changing trainings.
  • Done-for-you workflows, and templates to streamline your efforts.
  • Proven marketing strategies for boosting your online presence, engaging your audience, and driving real results.
  • The opportunity to connect with a thriving community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

Shop Black University is Launching Soon!

Get Ready. 

Don't Let Your Business Dreams Slip Away

The choice is yours: stay stuck in the cycle of frustration and missed opportunities, or take action today to transform your business. By joining the SBU waitlist, you're making a commitment to your success, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Don't wait any longer. Join the waitlist now, and let's make your business dreams a reality.


Meet Taniesha Westbrook

Meet Taniesha Westbrook, the Visionary Force Behind Shop Black University

Meet Tee Westbrook, the visionary behind Shop Black University (SBU). With over a decade of entrepreneurial experience, Tee's mission is to empower Black entrepreneurs. She co-founded Shop Black Fest and founded SBU to provide resources and a supportive community.

Tee envisions a world where every Black-owned business can thrive, and she's leading the way with dedication, passion, and a deep understanding of the challenges entrepreneurs face. Join Tee and the SBU community in the journey towards entrepreneurial success and economic empowerment.